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BTC - Writing Support
Welcome to the BTC paper submission drop box!

We invite you to submit your writing to receive feedback.    

First some things you should know:    

What we do:    
  • Review the assignment information you submit 
  • Devote up to 30 minutes to review your submission 
  • Offer comments and suggestions for improvement    
  • Answer questions
What we do not do: 
  • Fix your paper for you 
  • Provide course-specific or content-specific feedback   
  • Guarantee a specific grade on the assignment    
  • Return feedback on Friday and over the weekend 
How you should fill out the form: 
  • Name: Fill out your full name
  • Email: Add your BTC email address   
  • Subject: Add the name of the class the assignment is from   
  • Select the aspect of your draft for the instructor to focus on: Click on the drop-down menu and choose one of the options
  • Message: Please specify your needs, provide relevant documents, and ask any questions to help us assist you effectively
By submitting this form, you acknowledge the following:    
  • I have proofread my paper for basic grammar errors.  
  • I understand there is a limit of one review per student, per paper or assignment.    
  • If my paper has too many mistakes, I will be advised to go to the Learning Center.      
  • I know it may take up to three school days to return my paper with feedback.      
  • I understand the drop box is not available during scheduled breaks.
For immediate feedback on your writing, visit the Learning Center at Central Campus Room 2200. For more extensive help, schedule an in-person or Zoom appointment. You can review our schedule by clicking the following link: Learning Center Tutoring. For help outside of regular hours, use our 24/7 Brainfuse Tutoring service, accessed in your Blackboard course. 
Attach directions/rubric below with your paper.

Contact Details:

Enter your class name in the Subject field:

Drag & drop a file to attach it, or
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